FolderMage Pro is a straight forward application designed to enable you
to password protect all the private or sensitive information on your hard drive(s)
and external devices.
You can make your files and folders inaccessible, invisible,
protect them from modification
and deletion, restrict execution from them.
The protected data is not accessible by any users or applications -
no matter how they are trying to get in - locally or from the net.
Intuitive user interface of FolderMage Pro will suit the needs of everyone -
from novice Windows users to computer experts.
The amount of files/folders on computer, that you can protect with FolderMage Pro, is unlimited.Here are some key features of "FolderMage Pro":
- Effectivness of files protection allow you to hide folders out from users, applications and malicious software in Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7. Only the owner of application's master password will access your hidden folders.
- 5 protection methods available: Hide, Lock, Hide & Lock, Read Only, Deny ExecutionTrue Stealth mode: install once - use everywhere!
- Ability to select file types, which will be protected.
- Volumes of all file systems are supported.
- File Shredder included - no chance for unneeded data to remain on hard drive.
- The number of protected files/folders is unlimited.
- No file system structure modifications are made while using FolderMage Pro.
- Usage and uninstallation of FolderMage Pro is protected with single password.
- Protection is active in Safe Mode as well.
- Support for folders named with national language symbols.
- 32 Bit support