Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Anchorfree Hotspot Shield Download Latest Version

Anchorfree Hotspot Shield Download Latest Version
Hotspot Shield Software Review:
Hotspot Shield is a VPN based software that acts like a shield against network and Internet surveillance. It is equipped with a strong encryption technology that allows it to secure web sessions, personal information and data transfers. In order to ensure complete anonymity, the application hides your IP address and arranges for you to remain protected as you travel to different Wi-Fi locations.After years of lacking a desktop GUI, Hotspot Shield now comes with an interface; from here, users now have a more clear option to connect or disconnect the VPN service. The Settings window allows you to configure the level of protection for the Network Detection feature:Hotspot Shield is a reliable choice if you wish to remain anonymous during your online sessions. Your personal details are kept invisible to third party ISPs (Internet service providers) and websites and all transactions are secured through HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encryption.  Hotspot Shield is a versatile internet security and privacy solution. In addition to protecting you from dangerous online threats, it also protects your privacy and enables you to access any blocked websites and content.

Hide your IP address for your privacy online.
Hotspot Shield Software Features:
  •     Unblock any websites – Can’t access YouTube or Facebook at school or work? By using Hotspot Shield VPN software you can unblock YouTube, unblock Facebook or unblock any sites from anywhere.
  • Works on wireless and wired connections alike.
  •     Protect your IP address – VPN software enables you to protect your IP address so you can enjoy private browsing and prevent hackers and spammers from monitoring your online activities.
  • Secure your web session with HTTPS encryption.
  •     Surf the Web anonymously – By creating an encrypted tunnel between your computer and Hotspot Shield servers, Hotspot Shield enables you to surf the Web anonymously without being tracked or spied on.
  • Access all content privately without censorship; bypass firewalls.
  • Secure your data & personal information online.
  •     Protect yourself from snoopers and hackers at WiFi hotspots, hotels, airports and corporate offices with the Hotspot Shield WiFi security feature.
  •     Secure your web session – Secure your data, online shopping, and personal information online with HTTPS encryption.
  •     Protect your devices from malware attacks – The latest version of our software now offers complete malware protection!
  • Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports, corporate offices and ISP hubs.
 Anchorfree Hotspot Shield Download From Lockfiles.net
Anchorfree Hotspot Shield Download Latest Version
