Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

Geogebra 4.2 Software Free Download

Geogebra 4.2 Software Free Download
Geogebra 4.2 Software Review:
GeoGebra is a learning app for all the students, teachers and people who work with mathematics on a daily basis, offering everyone comprehensive tutorials, powerful tools and flexibility that is unmatched by any similar program. As installation is not a prerequisite, you can drop the program files anywhere on the disk, and run the executable file directly. After more than decade of feature expansions and new tools, this extremely useful open source app is currently under leadership of Michael Borcherds, who led the mission to successfully port GeoGebra on many modern devices such as iPad, Android and Windows Phone.

Geogebra 4.2 Software Features:
All versions of this Interactive geometry software support core features (dynamic geometry environment.The project can be saved to file for further modifications, shared on the developer’s website, printed, as well as exported to file (e.g. HTML, PNG, EPS, GIF), while the settings can be saved as default. GeoGebra supports multiple languages and font sizes, and allows advanced users to manage tools. It has a good response time and works smoothly, while using a moderate-to-high amount of system resources. To sum it up, GeoGebra provides all the necessary tools (and more) for helping math users create presentations and projects.
  • Settings -> Advanced -> Use Path and Region Parameters: “On” makes Points on objects keep their Path Parameter when the parent object is moved (the behaviour in GeoGebra 4), “Off” makes them stay as close as possible to their old position.
  • Double-click on a View’s title bar to maximize it
  • String comparison (eg “AA” < “AB” gives true)
  • Improved axis labeling when grid is showing
  • Ability to lock xAxis:yAxis ratio
  • Algebra View: options to sort by Construction Order & by Layer
  • Logical implication operator added (-> or→) eg a = false → true
  • Alt-drag on a parabola to rescale it (keeping the vertex fixed)
  • Alt-drag on a function eg sin(3x+4) to change its period
  • When dragging a parabola, the vertex now snaps to grid (if appropriate)
  • Buttons can be resized, be made bold & italic or include an image
  • Default polarity for mouse wheel zoom changed
  • Better (localizable) dynamic texts created by the Area / Length Tools (eg Area of c = 3.14) and the Length Tool now finds arc length for sectors & arcs
  • Set defaults for Inequalities
  • All the FitXXX commands can be used on freehand functions
  • “Share…” button in the Manage Tools dialog to upload Tools (ie .ggt) to GeoGebraTube
  • Toolbar can now be at the left, right or bottom
  • Input Boxes can be set to round to decimal places / significant figures
  • New option: axis arrows can now be filled, and also can be on both ends of the axes
  • Undo/Redo enabled in unsigned applets (with toolbar/menubar showing)
  • clicking on a slider will now just move it by one “increment”
  • PolyLines can have holes, eg PolyLine[(1, 1), (2, 0), (3, 3.4), (?, ?), (4, 0), (5, 6)]
  • Trace dynamic texts (with one variable) to the spreadsheet
  • “Select Another” submenu when the user right-clicks on eg 2 Points in the Graphics View
  • f(x) =xxx and y=ax+b work without spaces
  • “Copy to Input Bar” removed (use F4 instead)
  • New “Pin” icon in Stylebar. All objects (except Checkboxes, Buttons & Input Boxes) can be pinned to either Graphics View 1 or Graphics View 2, also available by right-clicking an object
  • bold and italic supported in axis names, eg <i>x</i> or <b>x</b>
  • Edit -> Insert Image from -> File / Clipboard
  • Help -> Report Bug
  • Altdragging a Point on a Path will now take account of the Increment (Object Properties -> Algebra -> Increment)
  • Complex numbers are named z_1, z_2, z_3 etc by default (instead of z, w, z_1, w_1, etc)
  • “Custom” option for font size (as a percent) in Object Properties
  • Input Boxes now show coordinates for Points on Paths / Regions
Geogebra 4.2 Software Free Download
Geogebra 4.2 Software Free Download

