Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Evolution Portable 2.28.2-1


Evolution Portable, the open source personal information manager!

"Even though it is designed to serve as an Outlook replacement, there's a lot of work to be done until Evolution can even come close to that level." —Madalina Boboc, Softpedia (July 31st, 2014)
Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.

Size: 459 MB (481,316,864 bytes) Packed Size: 75.3 MB (79,028,224 bytes)
MD5: C645C5C44804A0E71D76BF18C4064F66
SHA-1: 87A6FFAF6592C729AB174A1198B9A02DEA6EF9C3

Side Notes:
» Damn! I used to search for this one, back when I don't know how to portablize app! :)[]
