Jumat, 22 April 2016

BatteryCare Portable 0.9.26 rev 1

BatteryCare Portable, helps improve the life of your laptop battery!

"For those who don't know about proper care for a lithium battery, the written guide may be more useful than the program itself. ...BatteryCare a convenient program which will help you get the most out of your laptop battery." —Gabe Gralla, PC World/PCAdvisor.co.uk (09 October 09)
"All in all, BatteryCare acts as a companion for you laptop battery. It performs real-time monitoring of its status and health, thus adding to its life. There isn't always an outlet around for emergency use, so stay on the safe side by taking care of your battery with this application." —Elena Opris, Softpedia.com (January 30th, 2015)
If you wish to take better care of your laptop battery, use this software with confidence. This simple tool allows you to monitor your laptop battery and properly configure it, so that it lasts longer. By tracking the discharge cycles, it enables you to keep your battery calibrated, thus prolonging its life considerably.

Size: 3.87 MB (4,063,232 bytes) Packed Size: 1.59 MB (1,675,264 bytes)

Notes (included in the help.htm):
» Proper laptop battery usage guide, in the help.htm.
» User manual updated.[]

