"PC gamers will love Cheat Engine. Anyone who looks for cheats to all the current games will find them faster in the free CheatBook, whose author makes a monthly update available to download." —TechRadar.com
"Useful for hacking games." —TheMilkMan12321 (a user), download.CNET.com (March 23, 2015)
"No viruses whatsoever. May give off a false positive though." —nofox16, safeweb.norton.comRead before download: Cheat engine is for educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application.
***cheatengine.org does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine***
Size: 36.2 MB (38,023,168 bytes) Packed Size: 8.21 MB (8,613,888 bytes)
MD5: 57FCC967CA6DFBA35190D25126647FAF
SHA-1: 95CA347D513E7A1978F0E4D98A733FA5432ECD3A
Size: 36.2 MB (38,023,168 bytes) Packed Size: 8.21 MB (8,613,888 bytes)
MD5: 57FCC967CA6DFBA35190D25126647FAF
SHA-1: 95CA347D513E7A1978F0E4D98A733FA5432ECD3A
Notes (included in the help.htm):
» Requires administrator privilege.
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