Minggu, 15 Mei 2016

How Can I Forgot My ICloud Password?

How Can I Forgot My ICloud Password?

Whether you want to log into iCloud on a new device or download something from iTunes or the App Store for the first time in a while, you'll need your Apple ID password to get it done. If you can't remember your password, you can reset it using the web browser on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. If you don't even remember your Apple ID, you can try to recover that too!

How to recover your Apple ID password using email or security questions

If you can't remember your password you can get reset instructions from Apple. If you have a recovery email registered—a secondary account you've set up and verified—you can get the instructions emailed right to you. If you have security questions set up, you can reset right on the web.
  1. Launch Safari (or your browser of choice).
  2. Go to http://iforgot.apple.com.
  3. Tap/click on Enter your Apple ID to begin the recovery process.
  4. Enter your Apple ID—typically you email address.
  5. Tap/click Next.
  6. Tap/click Reset by Email to have Apple send reset instructions to your registered recovery email address (different than your Apple ID address).
  7. Or Tap/click Answer Security Questions to reset directly on the website. 

Reminder: If you do use security questions, make sure they're nothing that are easily guessable or researchable. It's best to simply fill them in with random characters and store them in your password manager.

How to recover your Apple ID password using two-step authentication

Apple's old two-step authentication is still functioning so, if you use it, that's how you'll need to recover your Apple ID password.
  1. Launch Safari (or your browser of choice).
  2. Go to http://iforgot.apple.com.
  3. Tap/click on Enter your Apple ID to begin the recovery process.
  4. Enter your Recovery key.
  5. Tap/click Next.
  6. Choose your recovery device—make it one you have readily available!
  7. Tap/click Next.
  8. Enter the Verification code when it arrives.
  9. Tap/click Next.
You can then create a new password and, hopefully, store it in your password manager so you don't need to recover it again.

How to recover your Apple ID password using two-factor authentication

Apple has begun rolling out a new two-factor authentication system that doesn't include a recovery key. We'll add step-by-step instructions for it as soon as we have it available.

How to recover your Apple ID

If you can't even remember which email or username your set up for your Apple ID, you can try and find that out from Apple as well.
  1. Launch Safari (or your browser of choice).
  2. Go to http://iforgot.apple.com.
  3. Tap/click on Forgot Apple ID.
  4. Enter your First and Last name, and Email address.
  5. Enter any other Email addresses you may have used previously.
  6. Tap/click Next.
  7. Tap/click Reset by Email to have Apple send reset instructions to your registered recovery email address (different than your Apple ID address).
  8. Or Tap/click Answer Security Questions to reset directly on the website.

Apple will try to find an Apple ID associated with your email addresses and give you the opportunity to recover the associated password over email or via security questions.
Source: http://www.imore.com/how-reset-forget-apple-id-password-icloud-itunes-and-app-store

