As we know that 1Paisa is free recharge earning app. By doing different tasks like downloading apps, completing surveys, watching videos and much other activity can help us to earn money.
They recently Giving Rs.45 For Installing One APP You can too earn on sign up by doing simple tasks like rating app, sharing on Google Plus, liking their Facebook page through which you will earn Rs.20 all over.
How to get started?
- Download 1Paisa App from here - Click Here.
- Now open the app and login with Facebook.
- Search for 'Adscend' category by scrolling down.
- Click on offers of Adscend.
- Scroll down and search for Adscend App
- Click on it.
- A new web page will open in your browser.
- Download That App And Create Account
- Hurray !! You got Rs.50 credited in your account for that survey.
How to Refer And Earn?
- Open the 1Paisa App.
- You will see on the top your referral URL.
- Share it with your friends and family member on whats app and facebook.
- When they join you will get 20 points for that.
Note: They will give you earning in points. 1 Rs = 2.6 Points.
Trick: If you had multiple facebook ids then you can do it again and again by changing android id and IP.
Earning Proof:
115+Daily Bonus 1 =116 Points
116 Points =45Rs..
So You Can Earn Rs 45 Directly In Just 5 Minutes So Go Fast Guys....
Download 1paisa App Now And Start Earning.....
Enjoy ..Guys
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