"Sublime Text has a minimap on the side that provides a top-down view of the file and keyboard shortcuts for most actions. It's also supports a large number of languages and general text editing features out of the box." —slant.co (May 25, 2016)
"One of my colleague recommend sublime to me about 6 months back and I can't imagine working without it now. It's the best. From a simple text editor to an IDE for any kids of code that you are writing ( C++, Java, Apex) it handles it all. It is very lightweight and I have never seen it crash till now. The default color coding of the text is very good..." —Rinku D., G2Crowd.com (October 08, 2015)
"Regardless of what you choose I decided to go back to Sublime. I urge everyone to find the editor you like the most and stick with it. It’s nice that Atom is Open Source and I’m sure it will become even more amazing as time passes; I don’t see it fading away any time soon. I will however keep a close eye on Atom, but I’ve decided to stick it out with Sublime. So in the end when it came down to Atom or Sublime…well…Sublime FTW!" —Dennis Gaebel, WDW/web-design-weekly.com (JULY 30, 2015)Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.
Size: 46.6 MB (48,893,952 bytes) Packed Size: 15.8 MB (16,625,664 bytes)
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Size: 46.6 MB (48,893,952 bytes) Packed Size: 15.8 MB (16,625,664 bytes)
MD5: 2ACD1A9D6F5063AB43320E90C628F9F0
SHA-1: 67AF9CBC2E1332BB6B2DD63E16963FAEF59ED5C5
Size: 39.7 MB (41,709,568 bytes) Packed Size: 12.7 MB (13,389,824 bytes)
SHA-1: 3B35B34E370D8C1D2744F17E9818D3B624170910
Notes (included in the help.htm):
» Included packages: Package Control, Emmet.
» Packages startup installation completion requires Internet connection.[]