"A neat idea implemented beautifully, but unless your friends are already on Viber, you may struggle to justify trying yet another VOiP service." —Nick Peers, PCAdvisor.co.uk (21 Jul 15)
"Viber is incredibly easy to use, lets you add favorites and it's fun. Users can send photos, videos, emoticons and stickers to their heart's content. Most importantly, you can call anyone around the world for free, provided your contact is using the service." —Molly Klinefelter, LaptopMag.com (June 5, 2013)
"I am using viber for past 6 months. it was nice application. In the mobile internet only, the signal wont get problem. at that time its difficult to use." —cmtech (a user), download.CNET.com (February 12, 2014)Viber for Windows lets you send free messages and make free calls to other Viber users, on any device and network, in any country! Viber syncs your contacts, messages and call history with your mobile device.
Size: 236 MB (248,070,144 bytes) Packed Size: 75.5 MB (79,237,120 bytes)
MD5: 7D9D9E8D465E88F333C4FCC9D4B088C9
Size: 236 MB (248,070,144 bytes) Packed Size: 75.5 MB (79,237,120 bytes)
MD5: 7D9D9E8D465E88F333C4FCC9D4B088C9
Notes (included in the help.htm):
» You have to install Viber app (free) on your Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Nokia or Bada devices to activate Viber on your desktop.[]