Here’s a look at the Top 10 hacking apps for Android smartphones and tablets
Linux is regarded as the best operating system for ethical hacking and penetration testing also called pentesting. There are various hacking apps available for Android, as it is a Linux based operating system. If you want to test out vulnerabilities and find bugs, you need a solid hacking tool to back your research up.Below is a list of Android hacking applications that will convert your Android device into a hacking machine.
AndroRAT is a remote administration tool for Android devices. In other words, it is basically a client server application. The aim of the remote administration tool is to give control of the Android system remotely and retrieve information from it.SpoofApp
(Phone call only) SpoofApp let’s you to place (spoof) calls with any caller ID number. You need SpoofCards to spoof calls, which are sold separately. It also includes some other features such as voice changer, which allows you to change your voice while using it. Additionally, it also allows you to record the whole conversation. You will receive a free 5 minute SpoofCard when you install the app for the first time.Network Spoofer
Network Spoofer is another good app that allows you to change the website on other people’s computer from your Android phone. You need to download the Network Spoofer app and then log onto the Wi-Fi network. Choose a spoof to use with the app then tap on start. This app is considered as a malicious hacking tool by network administrators. So, it is advisable to not try this on unauthorized networks, as this is not a penetration testing app. It is just to exhibit how susceptible the home network is.Faceniff
(Facebook only) Faceniff is basically used to sniff the Facebook ID over the same network. For instance, if you are on the same network and your Faceniff is turned on, then it will sniff all the Facebook IDs that are logged in from the same network. Since this is a paid version, you need to pay for this on the internet.WhatsApp Sniffer
(For WhatsApp only) This tool can be used to hack private WhatsApp chats, pictures, audios and videos of your friends who are using your Wi-Fi Hotspot. Disable your antivirus before using this app, as it is detected by antivirus.APK Inspector
The goal of this project is to aide analysts and reverse engineers to visualize compiled Android packages and their corresponding DEX code. APKInspector provides both analysis functions and graphic features for the users to gain deep insight into the malicious apps. You can also get the source code of any android application and edit it in order to remove credits and license.dSploit
dSploit is a free penetration testing suite developed for the Android operating system, which comes with all-in-one network analysis capabilities. It can be used by anyone in order to perform a number of advanced network related tasks. It also contains a number of powerful functions that allow you to analyze, capture, and manipulate network transactions. You can scan networks for connected devices, identify the operating system, running services and open ports on each device, as well as check them for vulnerabilities. The app is designed to be very fast, handy and easy to use.Wi-Fi Killer
This app allows you to block a person from using your Wi-Fi network. You can disable internet connection for any device that is present in your Wi-Fi network.DroidSheep
DroidSheep is also one of the free best application for sniffing the sessions over the network. Similar to Faceniff, it not only sniffs the Facebook sessions but also other sessions.Eviloperator
(Phone call only) This app connects two person automatically in a phone call, which makes them believe that they have called each other. The advantage of this app is that you can record and save the conversation.Some of the apps given above may work only on rooted Android smartphones. We have given links for the App download, however download the app at your own risk. If you are not familiar with pentesting, theses apps will do you no good.
Kindly mention any other app which you may like for research/hacking/pentesting and we will include it in our future posts.