Senin, 21 Maret 2016

10 Interesting Facts about Internet you must know

1. Facts About Internet Number one When it all started:

The Internet begun in 1960’s and it’s hard to credit just one single person, because it was a series of inventions that led to what we call “THE INTERNET” today. If you are looking for facts about internet the first thing you should be looking for is when it all started so

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) Funded by U.S department of Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency was first portotype of Internet that begun in 1960s.

Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn design TCP during 1973 and
ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1, 1983

2. The Modern WEB (WWW) we all know today was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.

Tim Berners-Lee an English scientist is one who takes the credit of giving us “The Web”. he also wrote the first web browser in 1990 while employed at CERN in Switzerland. Till 1993 there were only 623 websites up on the Internet. There’s an estimated 637 million websites, of which there are over 250 million blogs. Today the web is 8822 days old by web we mean The world wide web not the Internet technology the Internet technology is over 16830 days old (as of 10/01/2015 [mm/dd/yyyy]).

3: First Website :-

The first ever website went online on Aug. 6, 1991. Tim Berners-Lee and his fellow CERN team members launched
This how the first website on the Line Mode Browser Looked like .

4: First Browser : WorldWideWeb BROWSER

Though WorldWideWeb was the first browser that was created by Tim Berners-Lee but it was the Line Mode browser that has public access. Click Here to see how the first website on the Line Mode Browser Looked like. The first Global Web Browser was Mosaic programmed and developed by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina.

5: Estimated size of all the WEB is over 5 million terabytes.

You think Google is huge guess what, it only indexes the 0.04% of all the information/BS that is up on internet. Out of that 5 Million more than 37% is just porn and over 70% of the images are of nude /semi-nude girls.
The web is growing at a rapid pace as over 100,000 TLDs ( Just dot com) are registered each day.

6: First @Email : Raymond Samuel Tomlinson implemented an Email system in 1971 for ARPANET.

He sent it to himself and don’t even remember what it was as he never would have imagined he’ll be asked this question someday. Before he invented it the messages can only be sent to the same system but Raymond Tomlinson added and @sign to distinguish computer systems from each other.
Now a days Internet Users Send over 204 Million Emails Per Minute. and out of that 81% is just pure spam ( Though the number lies somewhere between 70 to 80-something, but as you all know how we all love to exaggerate things on internet).

7: First Photo : Les Horrible Cernettes

Shared by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.

8: Social media facts :

  1. Leading social networks worldwide as of August 2015, ranked by number of active users (in millions).Image Credits : statista
  2. Mark Zuckerberg’s original Facebook profile number ID is 4.
  3. There’s about 7 billion people on Earth. 17% of humans are on Facebook. Facebook has an estimated 1.2 Billion active users.
  4. 500 million tweets are sent ever day.
  5. First Ever Youtube Video Me at the zoo – YouTube It was uploaded at 8:27 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, 2005 by the site’s cofounder Jawed Karim, with the username “jawed”.
  6. Every 60 Seconds, 72 Hours of YouTube Video Is Uploaded

9: There are now 7.2 billion people on the planet and of those over 3 billion are active Internet users (45% of the world’s internet users).

  • Nearly 2.1 billion people have social media accounts
  • 3.65 billion mobile users have access to the internet via smartphones and tablets
  • Close to 1.7 billion people have active social media accounts

10: Before Tim Berners-Lee invented world wide web in 1989, people used to look ASCII p0rn on the internet.

During the ’70s and ’80s when there was no support for images / videos the only thing internet relied on was ASCII characters even for pr0n If you don’t have a clue what they were, lets just say there were just some images built up with ASCII characters.
Here’s one for you

