Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

BlueGriffon Portable 2.1.1

BlueGriffon Portable, the next-gen Web Editor based on the rendering engine of Firefox®!

"BlueGriffon is a strange editor, in that yes, it's another browser-based editor, but no, you don't have to be online to access and use it. ...with support for HTML4 and HTML5, as well as XHTML. ...BlueGriffon is a top notch editor--it's got my vote as my favorite..." —Scott Clark,
"...BlueGriffon more adapted to intermediate coders. ...On the other hand, one of BlueGriffon strengths is the add-ons: the most obvious one is the free FireFTP add-on to easily publish your page from BlueGriffon. Most of the other add-ons need to be purchased for a small fee..." —Christophe Marceau, (December 15, 2011)
"Bluefish takes a programmer's approach, while BlueGriffon is designed to provide as close to a WYSIWYG-design experience as is possible. " —Nathan Willis, (January 18, 2012)
BlueGriffon® HTML editor has a long list of famous ancestors and proudly inherits from all of them: Netscape®, Mozilla® Composer and Nvu.
   It is powered by Gecko, the same rendering engine you can find at the heart of Firefox®, and is filled with tons of powerful features.

Size: 121 MB (127,184,896 bytes) Packed Size: 36.6 MB (38,428,672 bytes)
MD5: 25C7FD60463ACB1BB529D17A39CEA2DE
SHA-1: BF4C518EA108CE329A04A4130C353FC23972B091

Notes (included in the help.htm):
» FireFtp free add-on for BlueGriffon included.[]

